"C:\Program Files (x86)\SumatraPDF\SumatraPDF.exe" -inverse-search "\"C:\Program Files\TeXnicCenter\TeXnicCenter.exe\" /ddecmd \" \"" The two profiles I tried are the following (each time added -synctex=-1 in the command line arguments to pass to the compiler) (the first one has worked before, don't know why that's no longer the case): After compiling, the document is correctly generated, but I get the error: " Cannot execute the command.", and forward (F5) and inverse search (double click) does not respond. (Can't verify the exact differences anymore since 32 bit Miktex was uninstalled of course.) have to agree though that it is at least surprising that Miktex affects the viewer behavior/settings that much.The forward and inverse search using SumatraPDF no longer works. Some build profiles made by the wizard (or during installation of TNC) are different with the new Miktex installed. Thorsten Trust me, I tried that before going for the rigourous approach. I don't think that migrating from 32bit to 64bit for MiKTeX makes the difference. Localghost wrote:Starting TeXnicCenter (TXC), pressing Alt+F7 and starting the wizard to rebuild the profiles would have been much easier and faster. The inverse search command line within Sumatra is set to: 'C: Program Files TeXnicCenter TeXnicCenter.exe' /ddecmd 'goto('%f','%l')' (which is the result of having the viewer executable path within TNC set to: 'C: Program Files (x86) SumatraPDF SumatraPDF.exe' -inverse-search ' 'C: Program Files TeXnicCenter TeXnicCenter.exe ' /ddecmd 'goto('%f','%l') ') Any ideas why both forward and inverse search do not work? (Tips to get these working for Adobe Acrobat are welcome as well ) Tags. My settings in the viewer tab in the 'Build - Define Output Profiles' menu: Executable Path: 'C: Program Files (x86) SumatraPDF SumatraPDF.exe' -inverse-search ' 'C: Program Files TeXnicCenter TeXnicCenter.exe ' /ddecmd 'goto('%f','%l') ' View Project's Output: DDE command: '%bm.pdf' server: sumatra, topic: control Forward search: DDE command: ForwardSearch('%bm.pdf','%Wc',%l,0,0,1) server: sumatra, topic: control Close document before running LaTeX: Do not close Also the inverse search doesn't word: nothing happens when double clicking the PDF.

However, TXC gives me the 'cannot execute command' error related to the forward search command. Compilation works fine, Sumatra is opened and the PDF looks fine as well.

Despite having tried all suggestions in and, I can't get the forward and inverse search working properly with Sumatra (which is a pity, since having these features working was the only reason to install Sumatra in the first place, tried Adobe Acrobat 11 before without success). Hi, just installed TXC 2.0 (64bit) and Sumatra 2.3.2 on Windows 7.